This was my first foray into painting. It is a study for a larger piece which I did and then sold. This study is my favorite piece of my own and it remains unsold and happily hanging on my wall!
No prints are available for this piece.
Let Days Speak
21 x 18 2020 Charcoal
This piece was a technical challenge for me, to learn how to draw hair and rough skin textures. This is a piece I wanted to do for years and waited until I thought I had the skill to do it justice. I prayed a lot and spent 65 hours on this piece, 40 on the hair alone. I love the wisdom in her eyes and her far gaze. Note the secondary lighting reflections on her cheek and on her neck.
By the Sweat of Your Brow
22 x 28 2020 Charcoal
I love the lighting on this piece from the translucency of the rope to the illuminated solid background to the bright reflection on the horse's face. I wanted to emphasize the clumped sweaty hair from a day of roping calves and the horse's attentive ears.