One of the greatest blessings in life is to know your calling. Whether that be spiritual or physical, it drives daily purpose and intention. Some people are called to the seemingly mundane, others to lofty heights. I pray that you know your calling or find it, and know your purpose for your effort.
My brother-in-law is always a willing model for my work! I feel strongly that I, as an artist, cannot use a model in a way that is inconsistent with who they are as a person. An image looks jarring otherwise. In this case, my brother-in-law daily lives his calling. His love for agribusiness and cattle wakes him up (and keeps him awake!) every day pursuing his passion. |
Ezekiel 47:9
And wherever the river goes, every living creature that swarms will live, and there will be very many fish. For this water goes there, that the waters of the sea may become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes. This passage speaks of the blessing those exposed to the Word of God will receive. What a wonderful image it is, that as the river flows out, anything that touches it will be awoken and have new life. |
This is the largest piece I have done this year, and of a familiar subject, my sister Heidi. I think there's never really an end to the things we can learn, even in a medium and a subject we have done before. This piece speaks to the God-given gift of optimism even in the face of opposing circumstance. Cattle people know this hope well. Every year they pray for rain, but not too much, and for warmth, but not too much, and cold, but not too much. Their home and their economy is tied to the sky and the favor thereof. Praise God for the hope He gives beyond dry grass.
The Hyer boot company operated in the 1900's in Olathe, Kansas. This drawing pays homage to these beautiful handmade boots. Note the intricate stitching and phoenix inlays. It was such a pleasure to explore these different textures in leather, wood, and rawhide.
It's been said that cowboying is poetry without an audience If that's true, their boots must hold these poems. Their lines worn and stitched into them like words written on a page. These are Hyer Boots and they tell the story of the family that started it all. CH Hyer invented the cowboy boot in 1875 and his great grand daughter's family commissioned this piece in honor of a new story.... After nearly 50 years, their family is relaunching the boot company and reviving a part of Western history that has been too long forgotten. |